The following company is not affiliated with WDB.

Aaron's, LLC.

Industry: Furniture stores

815 High St, Peterborough, ON, K9J 8J9


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Aaron's is the leader in sales and lease ownership and specialty retailing of all furniture, consumer electronics, appliances, computers and much more. We strive to make a difference in the communities we serve and in the lives of our customers by offering the best possible experience to help them achieve their ownership goals. At Aaron's, first names are just as important as brand names. To learn what a career with the nation’s premier sales and lease ownership retailer may mean to you, visit At Aaron's, we all share a common goal – to do the very best for our customers and our careers. You'll find it isn't about a single transaction here. It's about forging trusted, lasting relationships so we can make a real difference in people's lives and the communities we all call home.

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